Thursday, July 30, 2009

new necklace designs...

it's been a very slow week for me physically. i caught some kind of cold or flu but it went in and out. meanwhile, earlier this week, i was commissioned to design some sample pieces similar to my "elite" series and some other pieces...

the photos below are the 9 new designs out of the 12 designs i end up showing to the potential customer. i didn't want to show an entire line of something i already had. it was also to give myself a reason to feel alive...i can't really put it in words...but i'm glad i did it. many of these are one of a kind, there are a few designs which i may put in my esty shops since i already have them photographed but they will really be a piece of so up for grabs!

i will update with names soon. enjoy what i came up with in about 48 hours!


"guns and the rose"

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